Configuring NTP client in vMA 5.0

By default there is no NTP client installed in vSphere Management Assistannt  5.0.  This post contais the steps for installing and configuring NTP client in vMA 5.0.

Login to the vMA admin portal from browser and configure the proxy if the traffic goes via http proxy server.

1. https://<ip/hostname>:<portno>



2. SSH to the host using vi-admin.
3. We will use the command line package management utility zypper for downloading and installing the ntp client from SuSE package repo.
4. Run the following commands for installing ntp and yast ntp-client.
#sudo zypper in ntp yast2-ntp-client


5. Configure NTP client.
#sudo yast2 ntp-client
6. Set NTP client running by default after restart by pressing Alt+b.


7. Press Alt+a for adding NTP server.


8. Specify the primary NTP server IP and  Test to confirm client can contact the NTP server.


9. Repeat the process for adding the secondary NTP server.


10. Run the following command for ensuring the NTP client is insync with the server.
