ESXi bash script to automate Power ON VM if its Powered OFF

This script with the help of crontab will enable ESXi 5.1 to poll the VM state every hour to check if it is ON and if not power it ON.

1. SSH to the host.
2. Copy and paste the following content to the shell script ( which is placed in a vmfs volume.

Eg :-
Having enabled ssh access to your ESXi server, ssh in as root.
~ #vi /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/

[crayon lang=”shell”]
vmid=$(vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep “$vmname” | awk ‘{print $1}’)
stat1=$(vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate “$vmid” | grep “off”)
if [ “$stat1” == “Powered off” ]
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on “$vmid”

3. Replace ‘testvm’ with the appropriate vmName.
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PowerCLI sccript for exporting VM details to HTML

Its a simple script for exporting VM details to HTML format. The HTML report created will be saved into the folder with the name of current month. It will help in generating a daily report with the help of Windows Task Scheduler. Refer this article for scheduling PowerCLI script.

Following details will be collected.

1. No of VMs in the vCenter.
2. No of Hosts connected in vCenter.
3. PowerState of VMs, IP address, Base ESX host, Cluster Name.
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