Configure Virtual Machine-FEX with Cisco VIC and Nexus 5K – Part 3

In this final part we discuss on the configuration that needs to be done on vCenter to enable VMFEX.

vmware-ciscoFirst step is to install vCenter and login to vCenter as administrator user. Now create a Datacenter where you want to add the hosts which will participate in VM-FEX. In this document, I use the datacenter name DC1.

Configure SVS connection to vCenter

Once the DC is created in vCenter, login to Nexus 5000 Switch using its management IP.

Before starting this configuration, make sure that the Nexus switch management ip is reachable by vCenter server. Following is an example on SVS connection creation.

  1. 1.     configure
  2. 2.     svs connection <svs connection name>
  3. 3.     protocol vmware-vim
  4. 4.     vmware dvs datacenter-name <vCenter datacenter name>
  5. 5.     dvs-name <vCenter DVS name>
  6. 6.     remote ip address <vCenterServer IP> port <vCenter Port> vrf management
  7. 7.     install certificate default
  8. 8.     extention-key cisco_nexus_fex

Example screenshot:
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