Troubleshooting: Supervisor Deployment Stuck at “Host Config Status – Configuring”

When deploying a Supervisor in VMware vSphere with Tanzu, it’s not uncommon to encounter an issue where the “Host Config Status” becomes stuck at “Configuring.” This blog post outlines the observations, steps to resolve the issue, and crucial details to consider in environments without internet access.


  • Stuck at “Configuring Host Nodes”:
    Each ESXi host shows the status “Configuring Host Nodes” stuck at “Installed and Started Kubernetes Node Agent on the ESXi Host.” See the screenshot below for reference.
  • Image Compliance Issues:
    Under Cluster > Updates > Image, you might see the message: “The cluster needs remediation to finish enabling these solutions: VMware vSphere with Kubernetes – Supervisor Cluster 8.0.3.” This suggests that certain components required for the Supervisor Cluster are not compliant with the desired image.
  • Verify Spherelet Installation:
    To verify if the Spherelet is installed on the ESXi hosts, SSH into the ESXi hosts and use the esxcli command:
   ssh root@<esxi-host>
   esxcli software vib list | grep spherelet
  • Check Spherelet Logs:
    Check the Spherelet logs to identify any issues. The logs are located at:

Steps to Fix

Please note that in this environment, there’s no internet access. If the internet were available, the vLCM could remediate the cluster with the Spherelet VIBs. Here are the steps to manually resolve the issue:

  1. Copy the Spherelet VIB:
    Copy the Spherelet VIB from vCenter to each ESXi host. The Spherelet VIB is part of the following ZIP file in vCenter:
  1. Extract and Upload the VIB:
    Extract the latest VIB from the ZIP file and upload it to the /tmp directory of each ESXi host.
  2. Install the VIB:
    Install the Spherelet VIB on each ESXi host using the esxcli command:
   esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/VMware_bootbank_spherelet_2.3.2-24203661.vib
  1. Confirm the VIB Installation:
    Verify that the VIB has been installed successfully by running:
   esxcli software vib get -n spherelet
  1. Login to VAMI of vCenter:
    Access the vCenter Appliance Management Interface (VAMI).
  2. Restart Workload Control Plane:
    Stop and start the ‘workload control plane’ service.
  3. Verify Configuration Completion:
    After performing these steps, you should see that the host configuration is completed.