In recent past, one of the hosts in Data-centre PSODed with the following Stack Trace. <snip> VMware ESX 4.1.0 [Releasebuild-502767 X86_64] #PF Exception 14 in world 4217:helperNN-N IP 0xnnnnnnnnnnnn addr 0xd8 …. 0xnnnnnnnnnnnn:[0xnnnnnnnnnnnn]VFileFilterReconnectWork@esx:nover+0x67 0xnnnnnnnnnnnn:[0xnnnnnnnnnnnn]WorkInvoke@vmkernel:nover+0x2b 0xnnnnnnnnnnnn:[0xnnnnnnnnnnnn]helpFunc@vmkernel:nover+0x53e </snip> As mentioned in the KB 2009452 … Continue reading
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Configuring NTP client in vMA 5.0
By default there is no NTP client installed in vSphere Management Assistannt 5.0. This post contais the steps for installing and configuring NTP client in vMA 5.0. Login to the vMA admin portal from browser and configure the proxy if … Continue reading