PowerCLI to deploy VMs in VMware vCloud and connect to network

vCloud PowerCLI

This PowerCLI script will help you to deploy VMs in VMware Private vCloud and connect to network.

# Deploy VMs in  vCloud     #
# Change Log
# 1.0 This script will Create vApp and deploy VMs from the selected TemplateVM.
$vCloud_Server = "vCloud Server" # vCloud Server FQDN
$vCloud_Org    =    "Org Name"   # Org Name
$orgNetwork = "orgNwName"        # Target OrgNetworkName for the VM.
$templateVM = "TemplateVMName    # Template VM Name.
$vmCount = 2                     # No of VMs required.
$vmIndex = 4                     # VM starting index.
$vAppNamePrefix =  "RHEL-vApp"   # Prefix string in the vApp Name.
$VMNamePrefix = "RHEL-VM"        # Prefix string in the VM Name.
### Connect to the vCloud Server ###
Connect-CIServer $vCloud_Server
### Deploying VMs ###
$vmCount = $vmIndex + $vmCount
for($i=$vmIndex; $i -le $vmCount; $i++)
$vAppName = $vAppNamePrefix+"$i"
$VMName = $VMNamePrefix+"$i"
### Creating new vApp ###
New-CIVApp -Name $vAppName -OrgVdc $vCloud_Org
### Deploy the VM from template inside the newly created vApp###
New-CIVM -Name "$VMName" -VMTemplate $templateVM -VApp $vAppName -ComputerName "$VMName"
### Creating new vApp Network ###
New-CIVAppNetwork -VApp $vAppName -Direct -ParentOrgNetwork $orgNetwork
$vAppNetwork = get-civapp $vAppName | Get-CIVAppNetwork $orgNetwork
$cldVMs = get-civapp $vAppName | get-civm
### Connecting the vNIC to the network ###
### Please change the allocation model if required###
foreach ($cldvm in $cldVMs) {
    $cldvm | Get-CINetworkAdapter | Set-CINetworkAdapter -vappnetwork $vAppNetwork -IPaddressAllocationMode Pool -Connected $True
### Powering on the vApp ###
get-CIVApp -Name $vAppName | Start-CIVApp
Disconnect-CIServer $vCloud_Server -Force -Confirm:$false